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Monday, November 22, 2010

contact us

IF U HAVE ANY DROUGHTS MAIL US AT :chichidfishdoctor@gmail.com

Better way add ur fish photo to us so we can identify the problem of the fish and suggest u a treatment and drugs 

upside down fish

Adding Tablets Like Tetracycline HCl 500mg , Fragyl 400mg, paracetamol,mainly CRYSTAL SALT, and give excess oxygen supply 
while giving these tablets pls.... remove your filters because filters absorb the medicines
Add all the tablets at the same time     

Velvet Disease

Causes & Symptoms
  • This condition is caused by a fungus living in your tank.
  • Poor water quality causes this fungus to thrive in your tank.
  • If your fish is affected, he may stop swimming, and he may begin to look ill.
· Add Copper Sulfate (Blue Crystal) to your tank. Be sure to use the ratio of 1 g Copper Sulfate and 0.25g Citric Acid to 1 litre of distilled water. Dosage instructions: 12.5 ml to 10 litres of aquarium water for 10 days. Administer half of this on days three, five and seven.
Preventive measures :
  • Change your water regularly.
  • Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.
Avoid cross-tank contamination

Fin Tail Rot Disease

Causes & Symptoms
  • This condition is caused by Pseudomonas and other related bacteria.
  • Poor water quality causes these bacteria to thrive in your tank.
  • If your fish is affected, the fin and tail appeared eaten away and white edged. You may even notice the fin or tail beginning to literally dissolve.
  • The color of the fish may dull, and the fins may clump together.
  • This bacteria is highly contagious.
  • Treat the whole tank, but quarantine and treat the heavily infected fish.
  • Tetracycline Tablet should be added.
Preventive measures :
  • Change your water regularly.
  • Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.
Avoid cross-tank contamination


  Accumulation of body fluid in the abdominal cavity is the main cause of Dropsy. This condition may result due to internal infections. All the body scales of the fish will be get pine cone like shape. Acute dropsy can be cured with proper medication. Picture what you see adjacent is a chronic case.
For your Kind Attn. Hobbyists:
If you have any other problem in your pet fish kindly send us the photograph or movie to figure out the problem in your fish.

Causes & Symptoms
  • This condition is caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Poor water quality, overcrowding, and stress can make your fish more susceptible to this condition.
  • If your fish is affected, he may appear bloated and stop eating
· Do not add aquarium salt to your tank.
· Use a commercially prepared treatment available at your local pet shop.
Use fragyl tablet
Preventive measures :
  • Change your water regularly.
  • Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks to avoid the introduction of new, dangerous bacteria.
Avoid cross-tank contamination

Mouth, body and tail fungus

Causes & Symptoms
  • This condition is caused by Saproglenia and other related bacteria.
  • Bad water quality only causes these kinds of bacteria to thrive.
  • Sudden changes in the water condition can also cause this condition in your fish.
  • If your fish has this condition, you will notice cotton like tufts at the mouth, body, fin and tail.
  • You may also notice your fish losing weight.
  • Add Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Aquarium Salt to your tank.
  • Adding Jungle Labs Fungus Eliminator will also help.
  • Be sure to treat the whole tank, but quarantine the most seriously ill fish.
  • Give teramicin tablet 
Preventive measures :
  • Change your water regularly.
  • Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.
  • Avoid cross-tank contamination.
Causes & Symptoms
  • This condition is caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Poor water quality, overcrowding, and stress can make your fish more susceptible to this condition.
  • If your fish is affected, he may appear bloated and stop eating
· Do not add aquarium salt to your tank.
· Use a commercially prepared treatment available at your local pet shop.
Preventive measures :
  • Change your water regularly.
  • Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks to avoid the introduction of new, dangerous bacteria.
Avoid cross-tank contamination

White Spot Disease

Cause and Symptoms
  • The cause of this condition is Ichthyophithirius multifilis (ICH ) , a ciliated protozoan .
  • Bad water quality can increase the likelihood that your fish will be victim to this parasite.
  • Low water temperatures (< 25°C) are ideal breeding grounds for ICH.
  • The most common way Flower horns get ICH is when they are fed live or frozen food that has already been contaminated with the parasite.
  • The most prominent symptom of this condition are the pure white spots that will appear all over your fish. You may also notice the fins are clumped together, and they act a bit more lethargic than usual. Moreover, it’s common for them to lose interest in food when ICH infects.
The parasites resides under the skin of the fish, hence it is not affected by water treatment or direct treatment applied to the fish . Break the breeding cycle of Ich by washing the tank thoroughly to remove the cysts of the parasite. Keep in mind that this is a highly contagious condition, so your entire aquarium must be treated.
To cure white spots:
  • Place Kordon Ich inhibitor in your tank.
  • Add aquarium salt at 3g/l of water every 3 days together with the medication.
  • After 3rd day, tank must be washed thoroughly to eliminate the causative agent.
  • Add Kordon Malachite Green treatment to your tank.
  • Heat Treatment&add crystal salt

    The raising of temperature as therapy has a long history. It should be raised slowly and not more than 1 degree C hourly. The rational of this therapy is to create an environment in which the pathogen is no longer viable or able to reproduce. Not all species of fish can tolerated higher temperatures. Chemical treatment is sometimes easier of the fish. Heat therapy can be applied for the following pathogens:

    Costia spp.: 33 Degrees C for four days
Preventive measures:Heat Treatment

The raising of temperature as therapy has a long history. It should be raised slowly and not more than 1 degree C hourly. The rational of this therapy is to create an environment in which the pathogen is no longer viable or able to reproduce. Not all species of fish can tolerated higher temperatures. Chemical treatment is sometimes easier of the fish. Heat therapy can be applied for the following pathogens:

Costia spp.: 33 Degrees C for four days
  • Add Kordon Prevent Ich Fish Disease Inhibitor and Preventative to your tank.
  • Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.
Avoid cross-tank contamination