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Monday, November 22, 2010

Pop eye & Hole in the Head:

Pop eye & Hole in the Head:    
Eye is the indicator of overall health status of the fish. Poor water quality, presence of intestinal parasites and bacterial infections are the underlying cause for eye related problems. Fungus gets formed in the uneaten food in the aquarium tank. This fungus attacks the pet fish eyes. It can be cured very easily provided if the fish is treated in the initial stages. If the eye infection is due to intestinal parasites, removal of primary causative agent cures the fish.
Finrot is the secondary infection which slowly predominates the primary infection. So, the medicines have to be given in such a way that it is effective against all pathogens.

 Cause and Symptoms
  • The cause of this condition is Hexamita Protozoa , parasitic organisms that are highly contagious.
  • These parasites thrive with poor water quality management.
  • If your fish has this condition, you will notice the appearance of small pits and pimples mainly on the fish’s head. These pits will simply grow and form bigger pits.
  • The pits are white in color, and sometimes mucous are visible around them.
  • In addition to losing weight, becoming lethargic, and losing their appetites, the fish will produce white, stringy feces.
  • Add Dimetrydazole (5mg/l) or Metronidazole (7mg/l).
  • Repeat treatment once every 3 days.
  • Do a 20%-30% water change.
  • It is sometimes necessary to inject Metronidazole, but injections near the affected area should be attempt only by qualified personnel.
Preventive measures :
  • Change your water regularly.
  • Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.
Avoid cross-tank contamination

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my gold severum has this pop eye hole in head disease. I am unable to get the medicine you mentioned. What is the next best thing I can do to save my three year old pet fish? I have isolated it and put aquarium salt in it, but not sure how much in my 10 ltr container. Should I feed, how much and what to feed? Please advise.
